Ptarmigan is no longer operating in Helsinki.

Ptarmigan existed as a project space in Vallila from 2009-2011 and a mobile curatorial/creative platform until 2014. We no longer exist as an organised collective, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced as/at Ptarmigan during these years.

Labyrinths and Rings: Andrea Zalewski 'Cities of Preferences', Mack Cole-Edelsack (Pedalto Institute)
film : presentations : dj : food
05 September, 2010 00:00
Featuring artist: Jonna Karanka
part of project: Labyrinths and Rings

September's Labyrinths and Rings series brings together two American artists working on opposite coasts.

Andrea Zalewski is an architect and researcher from New York. She is one of the three authors of the short film Cities of Preferences, produced for Rotterdam Architecture Biennale 2009. Cities of Preferences is a short documentary film (18 min) that addresses the spatial organization of communities within the modern city, and presents the neighborhood segregation model developed by Thomas Schelling, a 2005 Nobel Laureate in Economics. In addition, the documentary illustrates some of the culturally rich enclaves found across the boroughs of New York City to reflect upon the positive and negative aspects of segregation and congregation and how designers might engage with this phenomenon. The film premiered at the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi) in Rotterdam in 2009 and at Studio-X in New York City in 2010.

We will be screening Cities of Preferences with Andrea Zalewski present, to be followed by a discussion of the film and its themes.


Mack Cole-Edelsack is the Executive Director of The Pedalto Institution for Incorporated Art.  He is also an architect, artist, critic and bureaucrat based in Los Angeles, California. He will give a presentation on the Pedalto Institution and its recent Delegation & Fact-Finding Mission to Tallinn, Estonia. In addition, Mr. Cole-Edelsack will field questions on a variety of matters, regardless of his level of familiarity or expertise.

The Pedalto Institution for Incorporated Art supports the incorporated and bureaucratic arts: the creative investigation and application of organizational systems and structures. Through events, publications, and media, the Institution promotes awareness of the incorporated arts, dialogues between artists and organizational workers, international incorporated art collaboration, and the research, development, and implementation of new incorporated art techniques.

This is the closing event for Jonna Karanka's 'Shine Shrine' exhibition.