Ptarmigan is no longer operating in Helsinki.

Ptarmigan existed as a project space in Vallila from 2009-2011 and a mobile curatorial/creative platform until 2014. We no longer exist as an organised collective, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced as/at Ptarmigan during these years.

Roope Eronen (Finland)
25 May, 2010 - 01 June, 2010
Roope Eronen was born in 1982 in Tampere. Currently he lives in Pasila, Helsinki. He's been playing in various experimental music groups, like Avarus, Maniacs Dream, Kemialliset Ystävät and Pylon. He's solo project is called Nuslux. With groups Eronen usually plays free improvisation, but as Nuslux he's also done some compositions and multi track recording. Next Nuslux album will be released by the Belgian label Ultra Eczema. He also does a lot of other stuff, like comics, brewing, silk screening, record publishing and concert organising. The installation exhibited in Ptarmigan includes 50 simultaneously playing tapes. The installation is open daily at 14-17 from May 26th to June 1st. Opening is on May 25th at 18:00.
Events featuring Roope Eronen: